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Unlimited movies, TV shows and more.
Enjoy unlimited access to the peacock streaming service from NBC Universal. Kick back with full seasons of exclusive Originals, the eacock comedy live sports, and more. a month value.
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Live sport and tv-shows for best friends
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Our Pricing Plan
Our Company Perfect Internet
Service Plans

Basic Plan
$69.9 / mo
- Internet with a 1000 Mbps
- Connect multiple users at once
- Virus scanning & prevention
- Record up to 5 shows at once
Call Us: +998 584 569

Advance Plan
$85.9 / mo
- Internet with a 1000 Mbps
- Connect multiple users at once
- Virus scanning & prevention
- Record up to 5 shows at once
Call Us: +998 584 569

Supar Advance Plan
$99.9 / mo
- Internet with a 1000 Mbps
- Connect multiple users at once
- Virus scanning & prevention
- Record up to 5 shows at once
Call Us: +998 584 569
$39 / Per Month
Live sport and tv-shows for best friends
Enjoy unlimited access to the peacock streaming service from NBC Universal. Kick back with full seasons of exclusive Originals, the eacock comedy live sports, and more. a month value.